No More Burnt Fingers


With everyone raving how the Soup Bowl Cozies were the best thing since slice bread, I finially gave in and made a couple.  Using the pattern by Happy Hour Stitches, I made the first one knowing it would not fit my wide rimed Mikasa soup bowls but I wanted to see what this pattern was all about. You can find the pattern here.

As the directions say, I used 100% cotton fabric, 100% cotton batting, and 100% cotton thread, anything with polyester might start a fire in the microwave.  I must say it is cute and would protect your fingers when removing a bowl of hot soup.

For the second one, I cut my square 11" and shortened my side darts it seemed to fit my wide rimmed bowls quite well.

Will I make anymore, I don't think so.  When I asked my sons if they would use them, the answer was  a resounding no, but Jeff added "maybe you should use them for dip."

Hugs and stitches
Betty Lou

Maybe I'll have had a change of mind.  For a simple dinner tonight, I microwaved  a frozen package Asian Noodles and Vegetables, I went to lift it from the microwave------ouch!  Quick to the rescue was my small soup cozy.  Maybe I better make a couple more.

Ready For Take Off #2

I finished quilt top number two in my ongoing sewing marathon of quilts for great grands that hadn't received a quilt from Grandma Lolo.  This was a cute layer cake called Ready for Take Off by Moda, that I found last week at Must Love Fabrics.  I really like this store, visits there are so much fun.

Again, I used Missouri Star Quilts Double Slice Layer Cake pattern, a sure winner when you need a quick finish.  On to number three.

Double Slice Layer Cake

Hugs and stitches
Betty Lou

Mind Your P's and Q's quilt

 For quite a while I have talked about making quilts for the five great-grands that hadn't yet received their Grandma Lolo quilt.  Trying to decide what to do for them has been challenging and I have changed my mind several times.  Finally I decided to do all five with the same quilt pattern, Double Slice Layer Cake, it is a larger quilt and since one great-grand is three now, the patterns that I had planned are just too small.

This first one was put together with a layer cake I bought several years ago called Mind Your P's and Q's by Moda, I think it will work well for the youngest great-gramd, Peyton, five months.  Of course it is just a flimsy now but I would like to get all five tops finished before I send them to the quilter.  Hope that is not wishful thinking on my part.

On to the next one and if you need a quick quilt, this one goes together in a snap.

Double Slice Layer Cake by Missouri Star Quilts
Approx 54" x 54"

Hugs and stitches