With everyone raving how the Soup Bowl Cozies were the best thing since slice bread, I finially gave in and made a couple. Using the pattern by Happy Hour Stitches, I made the first one knowing it would not fit my wide rimed Mikasa soup bowls but I wanted to see what this pattern was all about. You can find the pattern here.
As the directions say, I used 100% cotton fabric, 100% cotton batting, and 100% cotton thread, anything with polyester might start a fire in the microwave. I must say it is cute and would protect your fingers when removing a bowl of hot soup.
For the second one, I cut my square 11" and shortened my side darts it seemed to fit my wide rimmed bowls quite well.
Will I make anymore, I don't think so. When I asked my sons if they would use them, the answer was a resounding no, but Jeff added "maybe you should use them for dip."
Hugs and stitches
Betty Lou
Maybe I'll have had a change of mind. For a simple dinner tonight, I microwaved a frozen package Asian Noodles and Vegetables, I went to lift it from the microwave------ouch! Quick to the rescue was my small soup cozy. Maybe I better make a couple more.