Quilt Bee at My House


Yesterday was my turn to host my quilt Bee and what a lively time is was. With only five members of the seven in town we all managed to squeeze around my kitchen table.  Missing was new grandmother in Nebraska helping mother and new grandson Will and Peg who is enjoying those last weeks at their cabin in Nebraska.  We missed them both but both will be back soon.

Rosemary had magnificent Show and Tell as usual and shared several of her projects that she made a a recent retreat with well known instructors.  Cynthia brought her Featherweight and did some paper piecing, Martha was cutting strips for an organization to use in their project, Rosemary was weaving ribbons to make a tree trunk to be sewn on her miniature, Carolyn was hand stitching binding on yet another beautiful quilt, and I was holding Rusty most of the time as he wanted to be with the ladies.

Here are a few pictures.

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